A Piece of Summer II - Singapore Leg 2010
This is the 2nd last leg of the A Piece of Summer II tour held in Singapore Max Pavilion. Once again, Cheer's music is drug, a kind of opium that you can relax into. It also gives you the rush and camaraderie among her fans and avid followers.
Thanks to Andrea for securing good seating in the front row and we enjoyed the gig thoroughly.
Old songs with new arrangements makes the nite magical.
Thanks you, Cheer & team!
Denise "
謝謝建琪老師和綺貞讓'47件事'在新加坡實現了... 真的很感動..."
32 Songs , 4 Encores + Rare performance of
四十七件事 (!)
Thanks to Jiaxin Tay for taking notes of the rundown:)
小尘埃 -- 開場了!!...老師好像有點緊張? 狂恋 , 嫉妒 -- 繼續緊張.. (失明前)我想记得的四十七件事, 静静的生活 -- 這次演唱會中,編曲與表現最弱的一首吧... Sentimental Kills 旅行的意义 -- 開始進入狀態.. 太多 -- 好聽! 躺在你的衣柜 -- 站起來搖滾一下! 飄著 鱼 越洋电话 -- 超難得的... After 17 表面的和平 La Vie En Rose (drums solo + 對決) 一起去巴黎 下午三点 1234567 -- 就是現在 - 相機拿出來!!...小虎不肯說"愛你"! 女明星 -- 與"福利"劃上等號的一首歌 =D 吉他手 (+樂器大對決) 最初的起点 让我想一想
**1st encore** 慢歌1 太聪明 旅行的意义
(@ piano) 小小校歌 -- 靠近卻遙遠..不過,老師好像對我點了點頭哦 =) (@ piano) 告诉我 -- 圍著老師與鋼琴大合唱...好像上音樂課! 微凉的你
**2nd encore** (感謝詞 + 小故事) 天天想你
**3rd encore** 蜉蝣 -- 比起歌曲本身,對老師的介紹好像更有印象..
**4th encore** 小步舞曲 九份的咖啡店 -- 啊...我超愛的"孩子"和"會不會"都沒唱... ## edit @ 16/11/2010, 1230hrs: 經Jill同學提點:"蜉蝣"!
Immortal SUN
Click here to view more of a magical nite with Cheer Chen
Cheer Chen & Entourage Arrives S'pore!
Cheer arrives at Changi Airport T1 via CI 751 from Taipei :) We were there to give her a warm and sunny Singapore welcome! Thanks to Andrea & gang from Cheeregoers-SG.com
Besides making new friends that are passionate about Cheer's music, I finally got to shook hand and welcome her in Singapore ! The feeling was a.w.e.s.o.m.e !!! Just hope my wife won't get jealous ^_^
Oh yes, Cheer was in a playful mood and took a photo of us and later turn her back and took a group photo with her in it !!!
我們的陳大牌 ^_^
Photo copyright and used with permission of 反光鏡的視野
At Lee Guitars All Star (Nov'08)
At A Piece of Summer S'pore (Sep'07)
The Meaning of 魚 Rebirth:
一種抉擇: 重生或墮落, 自由或祝福 用海洋跟太陽兩個截然不同的抉擇去說明当我門遇到這種巨大的人生的轉變, 然後那個抉擇兩者是無法相容的時候。你必須要變到另一個狀態才能有辦法融入那個抉擇之後,你會怎麼做。 生命的起源也是從海洋出來的。。。choice of not speaking, choice of sacrifice of no limbs and dance. 面臨抉擇的那一刻,就像處在邊緣狀態. CHOICE.
(From Cheer Interview on the Making of Rebirth MTV)
”聽陳綺貞是聽她的靈魂!“ - from a call-in listener on a radio show
2009 陳綺貞 Album #5 太陽發片記者會
Photos used with permission and copyright of Klyle
My interpretation of Rebirth, Complex & the Edge
Click here , here & here for my review.
陈绮贞新专辑《太阳》 Cheer Chen IMMORTAL album
I have waited and the Sun cometh!
01. 手的预言 rebirth
02. 狂恋 complex
03. 太阳 immortal
04. 鱼 the edge
05. 距离 distance
06. 倔强爱情的胜利 stubborn love wins
07. 失败者的飞翔 fly for you
08. 下个星期去英国 go to England next week
09. 另一种平静 calm
10. 烟火 fireworks
11. 一首歌,让你带回去 take away
Acoustic Solo Guitar - 魚 (原曲by陳綺貞) EddyGuitar
Cheer Chen Taipei SUN Concert!
Cheer Chen on January Cover of Aangel !
Source: Aangel Blog
Cheer New Song FISH "魚“
I just heard the exclusive broadcast of Cheer new song, Fish. OHHHHHHH......what a song! I love her lyrics that express Freedom! Always a privilege to hear angelic voice !!!
A+++ A+++ A+++ ! ! !
No where in the lyrics where the word FISH appears...it is only when Cheer link the FISH theme in context to the story where i got her idea.
Color of the song: GREY/SUBDUE Orange
Mood of the song: Dark, 無奈
When I first heard the song, i thought it's about hope...but on deeper listening seems to be a prelude of a FISH trying to say goodbye to her WORLD.
In a world that has turned from Clear River, to a Muddy Bank
From the rising of the sun to the decay of the land
The FISH wishes Mother Earth can self-heal herself.
In a world that forget to Love, in an oceanic of sadness and avaricious.
Please forgive the FISH for leaving the WORLD because it is has ERODED,
There no choice for to Love the SUN.
But will the SUN provide the Warmth the FISH seeketh ?
Only the FISH can tell when she touches the FLIGHT of FREEDOM.
Source: Cheerego.com
Cheer Chen new song "SUN" 陳綺貞 :: 太陽
Fans attending last weekend Simple Living concert in Taipei were treated to Cheer's new song! Thanks to Youtube, fans around the world can share the warmth of this song! Click on the link to the site and hear it first hand :)
Cheer Chen has a new guitar, it's a Lee Guitar!
Jonanthan Lee had crafted an acoustic guitar for Cheer and I believe Singapore fans has the privilege to see it 1st in the world !!! This is the first time in a very very long time that Cheer is using another brand other than her Gibson Hummingbird (her main axe) and J-45 (normally use in open E tuning).
Actually, Jonathan crafted the guitar to be very similar to J-45. There is no pickguard and has a very simple but elegant feel to it. No bling bling feeling but truly matches Cheer's style. I especially love the gold tuner ! I may be biased, but Cheer's fingering on this baby made it sound the best of all Lee Guitars played last nite.
" 關於心中的話 , 心中的話,
.... 只對你 一個人說 " --- the sublime phrase from her rendition of 生命中的精灵 (this is the Mandarin's Knocking on Heaven's Door)
Even though Cheer's only sang 4 songs...we are still happy to see her again !
Lee Guitar All Star Concert (2008 Singapore)
Just came back from Lee Guitar All Star Concert (Singapore Indoor Stadium) featuring 李忠盛,周華健, 陳綺貞, 蔡健雅, 五月天,張震岳 !
Here's my thoughts:
a) Lee Guitars tonewood looks like very exotic woods, maybe worth a try. So far from the gig performance, it's bright in nature. Some tonewood are from Taiwan's Alishan Mountain....so it's definitely exotic compare to the normal tonewood like Indian Rosewood, Mahogany etc. I believe price range around S$3k-ish (so it is a higher end price bracket). Kudo to Jonathan for embarking on a luthier career ! You can hear the guitar tonality from his Sense and Sensibility Concert DVD.
b) I'm giving the sound engineer top mark for making the concert a pleasurable audio experience.
Singapore Indoor Stadium is not known for her acoustic quality.
c) Best song of the evening : Cheer Chen duet with Jonathan Lee " 生命中的精灵" ...subllime !
And this is the first time Cheer perform on a Lee Guitar (specially crafted for her).
d) Cheer looks like she is tired (like she suffer from jetlag or something).
However, she make it up just by singing her songs! Alas, only 4 songs for our Singapore fans after 1 year of wait....too little...please come back very soon for a full concert!
e) I also love Tanya Chua's performance and her vocal is crisp and strong.
You Go Girl,Tanya!!!
f) Lee Guitars concert is all about how each guest appearing artist's life has been transformed by
his/her guitar. Each segment is peppered with short anecdote of their first experience. The show is not about how fast your play on the guitar, but how you can use the guitar to create songs and music.
g) Did you know that Cheer Chen made a McDonald hamburger for Jonathan Lee when she was part-timing in a McDonald outlet!
h) Found it very strange to use an English songs to finish the 大合唱...only Jonathan, Emil and Tanya are audible in their singing....i think the rest not so sure.
蔡健雅 / My Space[限量限定記念盤歌后獨家簽名版]
Tanya Chua's new limited edition "live" July 29th 2008
An awesome acoustic session with Tanya
This is the limited edition with Tanya Chua's autograph!
Photocopyright: Aomoon.com
現在 也歡迎你 來到我的生活裡
…更認識我 Tanya
我們都因為Tanya更認識愛情 更了解自己
這一次 藉由純淨的吉他 與誠摯的歌聲 我們可以更認識TANYA [限量限定記念盤] 1Book+1CD現場Acoustic之最&原創Demo極品+3首Tanya手寫經典吉他簡譜 特別收錄 TANYA現場首度曝光創作「思念」
Cheer Chen's 5th Single Releasing on 13th July !!!!

李小克用音樂說故事,不是三天前的事,不過,噓~這裡應該有很多你不知道的。Click here to listen to the legendary Music Blogger Klaire's Skype interview
Cheer Chen @ 2008墾丁春浪音樂節 !
source: swanky
小心眼 @_@
source:夏天 Summer
In Fish Leong's 2006 album,亲亲, Fish & Cheer Chen had a duet call 小心眼. It is so laid back and easy going that you can hit "repeat" and loop it over and over ! The song starts with sexy clarinet phrasing with a mid-tempo jazz beat that feels like I'm a white sandy beach in Barbados on a windy afternoon! (大叔, 你想太多了! )At around 0:43 minute, Cheer snudges in via backing vocal singing complementary alternate key just underneath Fish's vocal. Then, Cheer's part came at around 1:24 minute and her singing is just so soft...like candyfloss or Softlan with Fish taking backing vocal role this time. Quite amazing...the song is like sonic orgasm (ahem). Unwillingly at 3.10 minute, the ladies began saying sayonara with one last part before disappearing into the sunset at the far end of the beach.
Singapore Chinese ROCK !
Date: 6th April 2008 (Sunday)
Venue: Home Club (The RiverWalk #B1-01)
Here's the link to the band's site
Listening to Sandy's 憶蓮 Live 07
盧廣仲 - “這傢伙真了不起 !”
This guy is A.W.E.S.O.M.E
His blog : http://www.wretch.cc/blog/sus7
source: ChuangChuYa
” 有此人要愛,要自由
他 只要他的眼鏡,和一雙吉他
就怎麼都有了 “--- 陳綺貞
搖滾瞬間 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
---旺褔樂團 姚小民
source: ChuangChuYa
8又二分之一 : 李壽全 (1987)
wow...finally got the CD format of this 21 years old album. The CD design is really 80-ish !!! This is one legendary work by the great 李壽全. He is one of Taiwan most important music producer.
陳大牌 coming to S'pore in Mid-July 2008 ?
source: 緑
I just got a news via Marc that Cheer maybe coming to Spore for a small gig. This is unverified but EXCITING ! Can anyone who has any info drop me an email (at the right sidebar contact form) ?
Guitarist 宋人德 (阿 德)at Hong Kong
Source: Klairelee
Zhang Zhen Yue (Unplugged) 馬拉桑 !!!
A great concert at the Esplanade Concert Hall. We were at dead centre at the second row. Guest star: MC Hotdog. From 7.30 p.m. to 9.45 p.m.. He sang a lot of sentimental songs, some earlier stuff and the section featuring MC Hotdog was just great! I love the guitarist, A-De. Cool looking and a great guitar player. A-Yue didn't even played his guitar and left the duties solely to A-De. But they look like they are having a great time with the capacity crowd :)
Source: Stella
This is the A-Yue's set list that was pasted on his monitor speaker (!) and Stella got it after the show! A-De's set list was given to another fan. Also, Stella got A-De's guitar pick .....OOOOOOOOOO What the !!!!! Great Stuff :)
Source: Stella
I was hoping for better acoustic at such a superb venue. But, somehow the sound guy mess it up and couldn't contain the occasional feedback and booming bass at the front row. A-Yue even have to apologize to the crowd. This is unacceptable.
We stood up (with the encouragement of Stella & 欧雅 ) for the fast songs. Else it will be quite boring sitting throughout the performance. 还好有她們叫“站”起來 (via the famous "站" poster that appeared in Cheer Chen concert last year)!
3 merchandises bought from the gig : Lanyard (Live In China 2007) , MC HotDog CD, A-Yue & Free9 Demo. Featured in photos are Depeche Mode Devotional Tour DVD & Remixes CD.
就是綺貞只喝一口的礦泉水啦 (Hentai!)
according to 大頭寶
A VIP view of Tanya Chua
Stella, Acidz & Hubby & myself were treated to front of house seats this Sunday at St. James Dragonfly. Our Ms Tanya Chua was back in Singapore to promote her Goodbye & Hello album. Click here to read more.
Introducing Joanna Wang. Simply Brilliant.
Click below to sample her amazing voice ! You go and guess how old she is !!!! She is barely 17 !!!!! My gawd, My gawd! Remember this name : 王若琳 !
Got the album today.....you gotta have it. I kid you not. All tracks are diamonds. Noteworthy: listen to Track 11 "True"...yes that Spandau Ballet's ballad. She transformed it into her own song.
This Taiwanese songbird is simply astounding. She posses a voice like no other and to listen to her sing is simply a blessing! And......she's just 19 years old ! Her style is laid back jazzy and lounge atmospheric. The best time to listen: around midnight and beyond...alone or otherwise.
Joanna Wang - Queen of Midnight. Yes, that's what I am gonna call her. She will over Norah Jones, win over Sade, win over Lisa Ono and win over Diana Krall. She WINS Big Time !!!
Disc 1 - English songs (12 tracks)
Disc 2 - Chinese songs (5 tracks)
Definitely my top of the chart desert island disc. Where to buy ? Well, I ordered via Neon Music as most retailers are sadly slow in bringing this title since official Taiwan release of 11th Jan 2008.
8 Albums Passing My Dec Ear Streams
a) John Mayer - Continuum
b) John Mayer - Heavier Things
c) Bjork - Greatest Hits
d) Jeff Buckley - Grace (Legacy Edition)
e) 李宗盛 - Sense And Sensibility (DVD)
f) 梁靜茹 - 崇拜
f) 游鴻明 - Greatest Hits
g) Foo Fighters - Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace
Wild Day Out 2008
"生力 Wild day out 2008 有陳綺貞呀 一定要去 ! "
If you happen to be free on Jan 12th 2008, go to Hong Kong for a marathon concert featuring 2 of my favorite singer-songwriter, Cheer Chen & Tanya Chua. Candy Lo, Paul Wong and Soda Green will be there,too ! Big Wow.
Wild Day Out 2008 starts from 1pm till 10pm (!) Ticket booth here.
Source: Cityline
Introducing 谢天笑
Copyright: DollBunBun
Stay tune as i'm diving into the Chinese underground grunge-reggae world.
Sullivan Zheng : "有些人可能不喜欢。不过我看到的是一个思想和技术都很出色的乐手。很真诚。而且歌词一看就知道是苦心经营过的。比起那些"唯美" 的流水线产品,他的音乐里面拥有音乐本身最需要的元素:投入和真诚"
Source: 770
A Yue Coming for an Unplugged Concert !!!
Mr Rebellion is coming for a special gig at Esplanade Concert Hall on 16th Feb 2008. Book your ticket now, hor!
The complete 華麗的冒險 Edition (Click to view details)
All VERSIONS ! Taiwan 1st Edition, Digipack, HongKong Tour Edition (With & Without Serial Nbr), Singapore/Malaysia Edition, 1000 Box Set Special Edition, even a China Digipack version (that has typo in the technical crew data & certain write ups that are different from TW version) ! + 1 Special Autographed by Cheer Chen in Singapore 2005 November ! Yatttaaa!
我親愛的偏執狂 Guitar Chord transcribed

Cheer Chen at Shanghai on 6th Oct 2007. Click here to read more. Photo copyright & used with permission of June Li

Rare Cheer Chen's CDs...click here to read more
Well, she is the best indie-Taiwan artist that is much more than sum of the whole. She got the voice, talent and the guts to go independent on her own terms. And it is really very fun to listen to her! She is both an Angel and Devil in a musical sense. Her music grabs you with simplicity and pierce your emotions with the melodic lyrics.
Imagine in a dim-lit hotel room somewhere between Shanghai and Dalian, in a faint distance there is a small transistor radio playing to the tune of Full Moon. You marvelled at the angelic voice, lush strings and angst in the singer's uttering. The cold cold winter gets even colder but the music accompanied you thru the break of dawn. You yearn for a walk outside, going for a warm cup of coffee that will do your heart much good... And the song is nearing its end, you turned towards the window and she is there

A Piece of Summer; A Piece of Me
陳綺貞2007巡迴演唱會 in Singapore
Remember this Day: 29/9/2007
"我一直没有时间、没有机会,也不想告诉大家A Piece of Summer的意义是什么……最后一场演唱会在一年四季都是我最喜欢的夏天的新加坡举行,希望这是你们印象最深刻、最美好的片段。” --- 陳綺貞 Cheer Chen
綺貞, 我們被感動了!謝 謝 妳 !You sang 34 Songs for die-hard fans here! There were a total of 5 Encore . Our press also lost count of the # of encore. Even the concert bouncers cannot believe there are still more encore to go !

30th September 2007, 1.01 am : It was a fantastic concert ! 5 Encores. Photos and write up very soon ! Thank you Cheer Chen & band, thank you all fanatics ! She sang my favorites, "SELF" & "就算全世界與我為敵" For those who want to learn how to play the acoustic version, check out the guitar chord section.
More Photos here.
Like Stella said on Cheerego.com message board "睡不着!睡不着!這樣的晚上誰睡得着啊!"
Newspaper review of the concert here (in Chinese) [it's not 4 encore as reported, there were 5 encore ]. The last one was especially for fans who still stayed on and rallied for more. Cheer dedicated "“微凉的風” to all who still don't want to go back home !
Other press review here, here and here ! The press flickr set here.
Comments from other fanatics :
For those who attended the concert, drop me an email via contact form at sidebar. I will post it here. This was a magical concert, where FANS & Cheer Chen Really Connected As One to create an unbelievable evening. We are so VERY LUCKY !
Stella Lin (She and friends are an amazing Cheer Chen groupies, with full helmets and gears that brought out the extra atmosphere, thank you ! ) :
"这是我见过最幸福最HIGH的一次演唱会----A PIECE OF SUMMER 陈绮贞新加坡演唱会 . 爽爆了 !! 5次安可!!!!!陈绮贞演唱会上史无前例吧?!!!!
绮贞!我爱你! 同学们!我爱你们 "

<Note from Martin : The 5th Encore was largely due to Stella groupies rally all of us to shout for encore, encore ! Especially, the guy who was waving the Taiwanese National Flag>
KL : "陈绮贞说了这一段话;“请接受我今晚所有毫无保留的奉献,谢谢。”
Sunny Yeo : " Superb Concert. Encore. Cheer for CHEER. "
Wee Wei Fam : "Absolutely fantabulous concert! =)"
儅人們漸漸開始離場 而我們還站在那裏的時候
你從舞臺后再一次地走出來 "給還不想回家的你們唱最後一首歌" 親愛的陳老師 那個時候我們很多人都哭了
你有看到嗎? "
Shyh Jih Lee : "Way beyond my experience of attending live concert. Cheer is beautiful, cool (look at the way she plays guitar) and proves that she is probably the most understated superstar of Chinese pop music of this era!"
Mawk: "I felt that the concert was absolutely perfect and unforgettable. This concert is second to none ! "
Aimarli: " 沉迷上瘾绮贞的音乐, 还是喜欢上绮贞的人了。。。谢谢你。。。。演唱会第三天我还是很感动。。。我会支持你一辈子。。。"
Concert Review:
It was a superb concert by Cheer Chen & her band during " A Piece of Summer" Tour at Singapore Max Pavilion. She played to near capacity fanatics with an unbelievable 5 Encores ! The fans here were treated to more songs than her Taiwan gig and more encores, too. I guess she was as happy as the fans who had to waited 2 years to see her in this part of the world!
An excellent review by Stereowaves here
Where : Singapore Max Pavilion Time : 8.30 pm till 11.10 pm ( 5 encores, some fans had already left after the Fourth) But it was worth the shouting, jumpling about to get Cheer sing 1 more last song !

There were a couple of true blue groupies hearing helmets (as well as hand-made!) to the tune of "Meaning of Travel" 旅行的意義. It was really a blast and Cheer was very happy, too !
Full Performance List (thanks to Stella via Cheerego.com Message Board)
1 九份的咖啡店
2 情歌
3 就算全世界與我為敵
4 我親愛的偏執狂
5 躺在你的衣柜
6 小塵埃
7 還是會寂寞(大合唱)
8 失敗者的飛翔
9 80%的完美
10 黑眼圈
11 倔強愛情的勝利
12 La Javanaise
13 一起去巴黎
14 溫室花朵
15 Sentimental Kills (imho, this was 1st gig climax)
16 躺在你的衣柜
17 地下道
18 Self
19 小步舞曲
20 華麗的冒險
21 我的驕傲無可救藥
22 女明星 (the 2nd gig climax...which turned out to be unbelievably GREAT performance! )
23 等待
24 讓我想一想
25 吉他手
26 最初的起點
27 旅行的意義
Encoure 1
28 和你在一起
29 漫漫长夜
Encore 2
30 告诉我
31 1234567
Encore 3
32 After 17
Encore 4
33 太聪明
Encore 5
27th September 6pm, Singapore :
Cheer Chen had landed in Singapore via Changi Airport !!! According to Stella, a fanatic of Cheer Chen as well (!), Cheer has a new hair color and look FRESH !
0 MORE DAYS TO GIG. It's tonight, my friends !
Get your tickets via Sistic.
Status:Standard - S$138, S$118, S$98, S$78, S$58.
New: Singapore Gig announced !
Reminder for those going to Singapore concert : Stay Back and Cheer for Cheer's Encore ! Over in Taipei & Kao Shiung's gig, there were rousing applause with 2 encores ! (Thanks to WeiMin)

Cheer is coming to SIngapore for a concert on Sept 29 (Sat) ! It will be at the Max Pavilion at The Singapore Expo.
Standard - S$138, S$118, S$98, S$78, S$58.
Cheer is having a Taiwan summer concert very soon!
Tickets are SELLING FAST!

Copyright & used with permission of Alan Wang

場次 Date & Venue
Aug 17 & 18 8/17(五) 8/18(六) 19:30
台北國際會議中心 (Taipei)
Aug 25 8/25(六) 19:30
台南成功大學中正堂 (Tai Nan)
Sept 22 9/22(六) 19:30
台中中興大學惠蓀堂 (Tai Zhong)
Cheer Chen POSES DVD is Released !!!
Verdict : 11 out of 10. A must have for her fan. It is an exhilarating ride. Wish I was there...but at least I have the DVD :)

POSES Limited Edition package includes Poster, 1 DVD, 2 CDs, 1 Booklet, 1 Letter from Cheer Chen. my DVD is Serial Number 020986
Update : 15th April 2007 - Cheer Chen is releasing a Concert DVD anytime now. I'd just placed an order with my supplier. Hope to get it very soon.
Here's some information on the new release:
Title : 花的姿態Live (Pre Order: 27th April )
Launch Date: 18th May

Update : 23rd April 2007 - According to report, it is a Live DVD + 2 Audio CD (18 songs spanning her career) package release (Initial Ltd Edition Global pressing of 23,000, of which Taiwan market will get 15,000 copy and the balance 8,000 for Hong Kong/Singpore/Malaysia market.
I had placed a pre-order for it,too!) It will cover her concert that was held between 2005 - 2006.
陳綺貞2005-2006花的姿態演唱會經典實錄 |
![]() |

Event : 2007春天的吶喊 鵝鑾鼻燈塔見 時間:2007/4/5 晚上八點 地點:鵝鑾鼻燈塔公園
A Fabulous Adventure - is the BEST Chinese album ever! And the irony is that it is an independent produced album. It is self-funded by Cheer. She even applied a bank loan for the production....it is literally a luxurious risk-taking adventure!
Quote from Cheer “這張(《華麗的冒險)籌備了整整3年,為了這張專輯,我投入了自己全部的積蓄,還向銀行申請了貸款。如果這張專輯不成功,我就要破產了!” Well, don't have to worry a thing. It sold more than 300,000 units!
Personally, I owned at least 6 copies different editions of the same album 華麗的冒險 . That good. That precious.

a) Taiwan Pressing
b) Singapore Pressing (autographed)
c) Hong Kong Limited Edition (No Serial #)
d) Hong Kong Limited Edition (With Serial#152)
e) Box Set Edition (Serial # 0736) 千份一的完全拥有 全球限量1000套 / 华丽的冒险[限量旅程BoxSet] CD
f) China Pressing (1st Edition design)
g) Wanted: Japanese Release
Source: Stella
This is the A-Yue's set list that was pasted on his monitor speaker (!) and Stella got it after the show! A-De's set list was given to another fan. Also, Stella got A-De's guitar pick .....OOOOOOOOOO What the !!!!! Great Stuff :)
Source: Stella
I was hoping for better acoustic at such a superb venue. But, somehow the sound guy mess it up and couldn't contain the occasional feedback and booming bass at the front row. A-Yue even have to apologize to the crowd. This is unacceptable.
We stood up (with the encouragement of Stella & 欧雅 ) for the fast songs. Else it will be quite boring sitting throughout the performance. 还好有她們叫“站”起來 (via the famous "站" poster that appeared in Cheer Chen concert last year)!
3 merchandises bought from the gig : Lanyard (Live In China 2007) , MC HotDog CD, A-Yue & Free9 Demo. Featured in photos are Depeche Mode Devotional Tour DVD & Remixes CD.
就是綺貞只喝一口的礦泉水啦 (Hentai!)
according to 大頭寶
A VIP view of Tanya Chua
Stella, Acidz & Hubby & myself were treated to front of house seats this Sunday at St. James Dragonfly. Our Ms Tanya Chua was back in Singapore to promote her Goodbye & Hello album. Click here to read more.
Introducing Joanna Wang. Simply Brilliant.
Click below to sample her amazing voice ! You go and guess how old she is !!!! She is barely 17 !!!!! My gawd, My gawd! Remember this name : 王若琳 !
Got the album today.....you gotta have it. I kid you not. All tracks are diamonds. Noteworthy: listen to Track 11 "True"...yes that Spandau Ballet's ballad. She transformed it into her own song.
This Taiwanese songbird is simply astounding. She posses a voice like no other and to listen to her sing is simply a blessing! And......she's just 19 years old ! Her style is laid back jazzy and lounge atmospheric. The best time to listen: around midnight and beyond...alone or otherwise.
Joanna Wang - Queen of Midnight. Yes, that's what I am gonna call her. She will over Norah Jones, win over Sade, win over Lisa Ono and win over Diana Krall. She WINS Big Time !!!
Disc 1 - English songs (12 tracks)
Disc 2 - Chinese songs (5 tracks)
Definitely my top of the chart desert island disc. Where to buy ? Well, I ordered via Neon Music as most retailers are sadly slow in bringing this title since official Taiwan release of 11th Jan 2008.
8 Albums Passing My Dec Ear Streams
a) John Mayer - Continuum
b) John Mayer - Heavier Things
c) Bjork - Greatest Hits
d) Jeff Buckley - Grace (Legacy Edition)
e) 李宗盛 - Sense And Sensibility (DVD)
f) 梁靜茹 - 崇拜
f) 游鴻明 - Greatest Hits
g) Foo Fighters - Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace
Wild Day Out 2008
"生力 Wild day out 2008 有陳綺貞呀 一定要去 ! "
If you happen to be free on Jan 12th 2008, go to Hong Kong for a marathon concert featuring 2 of my favorite singer-songwriter, Cheer Chen & Tanya Chua. Candy Lo, Paul Wong and Soda Green will be there,too ! Big Wow.
Wild Day Out 2008 starts from 1pm till 10pm (!) Ticket booth here.
Source: Cityline
Introducing 谢天笑
Copyright: DollBunBun
Stay tune as i'm diving into the Chinese underground grunge-reggae world.
Sullivan Zheng : "有些人可能不喜欢。不过我看到的是一个思想和技术都很出色的乐手。很真诚。而且歌词一看就知道是苦心经营过的。比起那些"唯美" 的流水线产品,他的音乐里面拥有音乐本身最需要的元素:投入和真诚"
Source: 770
A Yue Coming for an Unplugged Concert !!!
Mr Rebellion is coming for a special gig at Esplanade Concert Hall on 16th Feb 2008. Book your ticket now, hor!
The complete 華麗的冒險 Edition (Click to view details)
All VERSIONS ! Taiwan 1st Edition, Digipack, HongKong Tour Edition (With & Without Serial Nbr), Singapore/Malaysia Edition, 1000 Box Set Special Edition, even a China Digipack version (that has typo in the technical crew data & certain write ups that are different from TW version) ! + 1 Special Autographed by Cheer Chen in Singapore 2005 November ! Yatttaaa!
我親愛的偏執狂 Guitar Chord transcribed

Cheer Chen at Shanghai on 6th Oct 2007. Click here to read more. Photo copyright & used with permission of June Li

Rare Cheer Chen's CDs...click here to read more
Well, she is the best indie-Taiwan artist that is much more than sum of the whole. She got the voice, talent and the guts to go independent on her own terms. And it is really very fun to listen to her! She is both an Angel and Devil in a musical sense. Her music grabs you with simplicity and pierce your emotions with the melodic lyrics.
Imagine in a dim-lit hotel room somewhere between Shanghai and Dalian, in a faint distance there is a small transistor radio playing to the tune of Full Moon. You marvelled at the angelic voice, lush strings and angst in the singer's uttering. The cold cold winter gets even colder but the music accompanied you thru the break of dawn. You yearn for a walk outside, going for a warm cup of coffee that will do your heart much good... And the song is nearing its end, you turned towards the window and she is there

A Piece of Summer; A Piece of Me
陳綺貞2007巡迴演唱會 in Singapore
Remember this Day: 29/9/2007
"我一直没有时间、没有机会,也不想告诉大家A Piece of Summer的意义是什么……最后一场演唱会在一年四季都是我最喜欢的夏天的新加坡举行,希望这是你们印象最深刻、最美好的片段。” --- 陳綺貞 Cheer Chen
綺貞, 我們被感動了!謝 謝 妳 !You sang 34 Songs for die-hard fans here! There were a total of 5 Encore . Our press also lost count of the # of encore. Even the concert bouncers cannot believe there are still more encore to go !

30th September 2007, 1.01 am : It was a fantastic concert ! 5 Encores. Photos and write up very soon ! Thank you Cheer Chen & band, thank you all fanatics ! She sang my favorites, "SELF" & "就算全世界與我為敵" For those who want to learn how to play the acoustic version, check out the guitar chord section.
More Photos here.
Like Stella said on Cheerego.com message board "睡不着!睡不着!這樣的晚上誰睡得着啊!"
Newspaper review of the concert here (in Chinese) [it's not 4 encore as reported, there were 5 encore ]. The last one was especially for fans who still stayed on and rallied for more. Cheer dedicated "“微凉的風” to all who still don't want to go back home !
Other press review here, here and here ! The press flickr set here.
Comments from other fanatics :
For those who attended the concert, drop me an email via contact form at sidebar. I will post it here. This was a magical concert, where FANS & Cheer Chen Really Connected As One to create an unbelievable evening. We are so VERY LUCKY !
Stella Lin (She and friends are an amazing Cheer Chen groupies, with full helmets and gears that brought out the extra atmosphere, thank you ! ) :
"这是我见过最幸福最HIGH的一次演唱会----A PIECE OF SUMMER 陈绮贞新加坡演唱会 . 爽爆了 !! 5次安可!!!!!陈绮贞演唱会上史无前例吧?!!!!
绮贞!我爱你! 同学们!我爱你们 "

<Note from Martin : The 5th Encore was largely due to Stella groupies rally all of us to shout for encore, encore ! Especially, the guy who was waving the Taiwanese National Flag>
KL : "陈绮贞说了这一段话;“请接受我今晚所有毫无保留的奉献,谢谢。”
Sunny Yeo : " Superb Concert. Encore. Cheer for CHEER. "
Wee Wei Fam : "Absolutely fantabulous concert! =)"
儅人們漸漸開始離場 而我們還站在那裏的時候
你從舞臺后再一次地走出來 "給還不想回家的你們唱最後一首歌" 親愛的陳老師 那個時候我們很多人都哭了
你有看到嗎? "
Shyh Jih Lee : "Way beyond my experience of attending live concert. Cheer is beautiful, cool (look at the way she plays guitar) and proves that she is probably the most understated superstar of Chinese pop music of this era!"
Mawk: "I felt that the concert was absolutely perfect and unforgettable. This concert is second to none ! "
Aimarli: " 沉迷上瘾绮贞的音乐, 还是喜欢上绮贞的人了。。。谢谢你。。。。演唱会第三天我还是很感动。。。我会支持你一辈子。。。"
Concert Review:
It was a superb concert by Cheer Chen & her band during " A Piece of Summer" Tour at Singapore Max Pavilion. She played to near capacity fanatics with an unbelievable 5 Encores ! The fans here were treated to more songs than her Taiwan gig and more encores, too. I guess she was as happy as the fans who had to waited 2 years to see her in this part of the world!
An excellent review by Stereowaves here
Where : Singapore Max Pavilion Time : 8.30 pm till 11.10 pm ( 5 encores, some fans had already left after the Fourth) But it was worth the shouting, jumpling about to get Cheer sing 1 more last song !

There were a couple of true blue groupies hearing helmets (as well as hand-made!) to the tune of "Meaning of Travel" 旅行的意義. It was really a blast and Cheer was very happy, too !
Full Performance List (thanks to Stella via Cheerego.com Message Board)
1 九份的咖啡店
2 情歌
3 就算全世界與我為敵
4 我親愛的偏執狂
5 躺在你的衣柜
6 小塵埃
7 還是會寂寞(大合唱)
8 失敗者的飛翔
9 80%的完美
10 黑眼圈
11 倔強愛情的勝利
12 La Javanaise
13 一起去巴黎
14 溫室花朵
15 Sentimental Kills (imho, this was 1st gig climax)
16 躺在你的衣柜
17 地下道
18 Self
19 小步舞曲
20 華麗的冒險
21 我的驕傲無可救藥
22 女明星 (the 2nd gig climax...which turned out to be unbelievably GREAT performance! )
23 等待
24 讓我想一想
25 吉他手
26 最初的起點
27 旅行的意義
Encoure 1
28 和你在一起
29 漫漫长夜
Encore 2
30 告诉我
31 1234567
Encore 3
32 After 17
Encore 4
33 太聪明
Encore 5
27th September 6pm, Singapore :
Cheer Chen had landed in Singapore via Changi Airport !!! According to Stella, a fanatic of Cheer Chen as well (!), Cheer has a new hair color and look FRESH !
0 MORE DAYS TO GIG. It's tonight, my friends !
Get your tickets via Sistic.
Status:Standard - S$138, S$118, S$98, S$78, S$58.
New: Singapore Gig announced !
Reminder for those going to Singapore concert : Stay Back and Cheer for Cheer's Encore ! Over in Taipei & Kao Shiung's gig, there were rousing applause with 2 encores ! (Thanks to WeiMin)

Cheer is coming to SIngapore for a concert on Sept 29 (Sat) ! It will be at the Max Pavilion at The Singapore Expo.
Standard - S$138, S$118, S$98, S$78, S$58.
Cheer is having a Taiwan summer concert very soon!
Tickets are SELLING FAST!

Copyright & used with permission of Alan Wang

場次 Date & Venue
Aug 17 & 18 8/17(五) 8/18(六) 19:30
台北國際會議中心 (Taipei)
Aug 25 8/25(六) 19:30
台南成功大學中正堂 (Tai Nan)
Sept 22 9/22(六) 19:30
台中中興大學惠蓀堂 (Tai Zhong)
Cheer Chen POSES DVD is Released !!!
Verdict : 11 out of 10. A must have for her fan. It is an exhilarating ride. Wish I was there...but at least I have the DVD :)

POSES Limited Edition package includes Poster, 1 DVD, 2 CDs, 1 Booklet, 1 Letter from Cheer Chen. my DVD is Serial Number 020986
Update : 15th April 2007 - Cheer Chen is releasing a Concert DVD anytime now. I'd just placed an order with my supplier. Hope to get it very soon.
Here's some information on the new release:
Title : 花的姿態Live (Pre Order: 27th April )
Launch Date: 18th May

Update : 23rd April 2007 - According to report, it is a Live DVD + 2 Audio CD (18 songs spanning her career) package release (Initial Ltd Edition Global pressing of 23,000, of which Taiwan market will get 15,000 copy and the balance 8,000 for Hong Kong/Singpore/Malaysia market.
I had placed a pre-order for it,too!) It will cover her concert that was held between 2005 - 2006.
陳綺貞2005-2006花的姿態演唱會經典實錄 |
![]() |

Event : 2007春天的吶喊 鵝鑾鼻燈塔見 時間:2007/4/5 晚上八點 地點:鵝鑾鼻燈塔公園
A Fabulous Adventure - is the BEST Chinese album ever! And the irony is that it is an independent produced album. It is self-funded by Cheer. She even applied a bank loan for the production....it is literally a luxurious risk-taking adventure!
Quote from Cheer “這張(《華麗的冒險)籌備了整整3年,為了這張專輯,我投入了自己全部的積蓄,還向銀行申請了貸款。如果這張專輯不成功,我就要破產了!” Well, don't have to worry a thing. It sold more than 300,000 units!
Personally, I owned at least 6 copies different editions of the same album 華麗的冒險 . That good. That precious.

a) Taiwan Pressing
b) Singapore Pressing (autographed)
c) Hong Kong Limited Edition (No Serial #)
d) Hong Kong Limited Edition (With Serial#152)
e) Box Set Edition (Serial # 0736) 千份一的完全拥有 全球限量1000套 / 华丽的冒险[限量旅程BoxSet] CD
f) China Pressing (1st Edition design)
g) Wanted: Japanese Release
Friends of Aomoon.com: Neon Music
Thousands of Asia new release & out of print/rare edition CD, VCD, DVD, LP, LD & Artist Merchandise