No where in the lyrics where the word FISH is only when Cheer link the FISH theme in context to the story where i got her idea.
Color of the song: GREY/SUBDUE Orange
Color of the song: GREY/SUBDUE Orange
Mood of the song: Dark, 無奈
When I first heard the song, i thought it's about hope...but on deeper listening seems to be a
prelude of a FISH trying to say goodbye to her WORLD.
In a world that has turned from Clear River, to a Muddy Bank
In a world that has turned from Clear River, to a Muddy Bank
From the rising of the sun to the decay of the land
The FISH wishes Mother Earth can self-heal herself.
In a world that forget to Love, in an oceanic of sadness and avaricious.
Please forgive the FISH for leaving the WORLD because it is has ERODED,
There no choice for to Love the SUN.
But will the SUN provide the Warmth the FISH seeketh ?
Only the FISH can tell when she touches the FLIGHT of FREEDOM from the "Edge".