Its not as rare as her Demo 1 & 2 , but I just got hold of 几米地下铁音乐剧原声带 featuring songs by Cheer Chen. This is a 2 CD set featuring songs from the play.
Groupies (Japan Version) featuring 2 bonus song
This was released for Japan market and there are 2 extra spoken tracks with guitars ( 媽媽睡了 & 坐火車傅説中的湘南海岸 ) . These 2 tracks were released under her Demo 3 album.
I love the cover ! It is different from the Taiwan version :
Princess from East '01
This is a best of compilation was also released for Japan market featuring 10 tracks and a bonus video of 還是會寂寞
For those who wants to get Cheer Chen stuff, you can contact
Neon Music. I have bought quite a few of Cheer's album from him and he is a friendly guy to deal with and his shipment packaging is tip-top.
Neon Music is based in Singapore and you can also contact him via Tel: +65-67267955 for enquiry.