呉清源 極みの棋譜 - The Go Master
Welcome to Aomoon's world of igo. An igo groupie site maintained by Atsuakira.
Go is a strategic board game for two players. It is known as Wéiqí in Chinese 圍棋; Igo (囲碁 or Go (碁) in Japanese, and Baduk in Korean (hangul: 바둑).
To differentiate it from the common English verb go, it is sometimes written with a capital G or spelled Goe. Go originated in ancient China, centuries before its earliest known references in 5th century BC writing. It is mostly popular in East Asia but has nowadays gained some popularity in the rest of the world as well. Go is noted for being rich in strategic complexity despite its simple rules.
Despite the fact that Go originated in ancient China, it is commonly known in the West by its Japanese name, Go. This stems from the fact that early Western players learned of the game from Japanese sources. As a result, many Go concepts for which there is no ready English equivalent have become known elsewhere by their Japanese names. The Japanese word Go is linked to the Japanese reading of its Chinese name Weiqi, which roughly translates as "board game of surrounding".
Source: Go - Wikipedia