A-Yue Unplugged Singapore Esplanade 2008 ! 

Zhang Zhen Yue (Unplugged) 
馬拉桑 !!! 





A great concert at the Esplanade Concert Hall. We were at dead centre at the second row. Guest star: MC Hotdog. From 7.30 p.m. to 9.45 p.m.. He sang a lot of sentimental songs, some earlier stuff and the section featuring MC Hotdog was just great! I love the guitarist, A-De. Cool looking and a great guitar player. A-Yue didn't even played his guitar and left the duties solely to A-De. But they look like they are having a great time with the capacity crowd :)  


Source: Stella

This is the A-Yue's set list that was pasted on his monitor speaker (!) and Stella got it after the show!  A-De's set list was given to another fan.  Also, Stella got A-De's guitar pick .....OOOOOOOOOO What the !!!!! Great Stuff  :) 





Source: Stella

I was hoping for better acoustic at such a superb venue. But, somehow the sound guy mess it up and couldn't contain the occasional feedback and booming bass at the front row. A-Yue even have to apologize to the crowd. This is unacceptable.

We stood up (with the encouragement of Stella & 欧雅) for the fast songs. Else it will be quite boring sitting throughout the performance. 还好有她們叫“站”起來 (via the famous "站" poster that appeared in Cheer Chen concert last year) 


3 merchandises bought from the gig : Lanyard (Live In China 2007) , MC HotDog CD, A-Yue & Free9 Demo. Featured in photos are Depeche Mode Devotional Tour DVD & Remixes CD.

(C) 2007, 2008, 2009 , 2010  www.AoMoon.com